Well-being, safety and support resources for our community
Dear students, faculty and staff,
As we begin a new year and semester filled with promise, change and uncertainty, we want to take a moment to reaffirm our mission, our values and our commitment to fostering an inclusive community.
Whether you are a student, faculty or staff, we are here to support you. UIC is committed to nurturing a safe, welcoming and vibrant learning environment. You are encouraged to take advantage of the resources and support services available to enhance your personal well-being, your safety on campus and your academic experience.
Supportive services and well-being
Comprehensive resources are available for students, faculty and staff who need assistance:
- Students who need mental health, personal, emotional, social or life-balance support may use the Counseling Center, Office of the Dean of Students, the Wellness Center and Recreation and Wellbeing.
- Employees may take advantage of mental health resources provided by the University of Illinois System Human Resources.
- Students, faculty and staff may also take advantage of Recreation and Wellbeing programs and fitness classes at facilities on the east and west sides of campus to exercise your mind, body and spirit.
- The Campus Advocacy Network provides confidential, anonymous, free services to UIC students and faculty who have experienced gender-based violence.
- The Office for Access and Equity is committed to equal opportunity, diversity, inclusiveness, equal access and equitable treatment for faculty, staff and students throughout the university.
- The Office of Diversity, Equity and Engagement is dedicated to building a welcoming and inclusive university through offering numerous resources including the support of the Rigo Padilla-Pérez Undocumented Student Resource Center. Additionally, regardless of your immigration status, it is important to know your rights.
- The Disability Resource Center works with thousands of students across all academic schools and colleges to ensure students have full and equal access during their college experience.
Cultivating a safe living and learning environment for our community is a collaborative effort that requires respect and care for each other. Please use UIC’s safety tools and campus resources, including the UIC Safe app, walking safety escort, Night Ride transportation services and the Safe Exchange Zone.
If you see something that raises concern or need law enforcement assistance, call UIC Police at 312-355-5555 (emergency) or 312-996-2830 (non-emergency).
Together, we can ensure a secure and thriving environment at UIC. Please be kind to yourself and take care of each other.
Karen Colley
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Robert Barish
Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
John Coronado
Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services
Michael Ginsburg
Special Advisor to the Chancellor for Student Affairs
Charu Thakral
Interim Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity and Engagement
For more information, please contact:
Office of the Provost