A bouquet-like arrangement of blue and white spikes emerge from a black background.

September 11, 2023

UIC exceeds half a billion dollars in research funding for first time 

The University of Illinois Chicago received $509 million in research […]

March 6, 2023

With $13M, UIC scientists will study lung inflammation mechanisms

National Heart, Lung, and Blood grant advances UIC research on blood vessels and lung injury

May 9, 2019

UIC to lead national COPD clinical trial

PCORI awards $14 million for multi-center research

x-ray of a human chest

October 13, 2016

UIC researchers study diagnostic error in asthma, COPD

Nearly half of patients may be treated for wrong condition

Jerry Krishnan

March 29, 2016

UIC to lead $13M clinical trial of COPD drugs

Study to compare benefits, risks of medications

Jerry Krishnan

February 2, 2016

UIC to lead $13.7M clinical trial of COPD medications

Which drug is best for smokers, past smokers?

Oxygen tanks and cannula

November 19, 2013

Program offers education, support for pulmonary disease patients

Peer support encourages people with COPD to use prescribed oxygen

Dr. Jerry Krishnan

October 17, 2013

Study to see if phone consultation can help respiratory patients use oxygen

Grant will help develop phone-based peer support system