All neurology

Jeffrey Loeb; experts guide

November 6, 2023

NIH grant expands UIC brain bank into citywide effort to study epilepsy, brain cancer 

$5 million grant expands UIC’s network of brain tissue research to 4 new Chicago sites.

Jeffrey Loeb; experts guide

October 8, 2020

Inhibiting epileptic activity in the brain

Protein could lead to new treatments for epileptic seizures

Dilip Pandey

November 15, 2017

East Meets West: Using technology to help epilepsy patients

Campus collaboration creates customized self-management program

cellular interactome shows cellular changes in epileptic brain tissue;

December 16, 2014

‘Microlesions’ in epilepsy discovered by novel technique

Genetics, mathematical modeling point to what goes wrong

Scan of a mouse spinal cord showing a mutated protein

June 12, 2013

Jammed molecular motors may play role in development of ALS

Slowed transport of nutrients in nerve cells may underlie the disease