All pollution


June 20, 2019

A ‘how to’ guide for communities concerned about pollution

Find out where it is and what you can do about it

December 12, 2018

Pesticide exposure raises risk for cardiovascular disease among Latino workers

Nearly 9 percent of employed Latinos reported exposure to solvents, metals or pesticides in the workplace.

drain pipe in polluted water

October 4, 2017

NIH taps Chicago universities for center on environmental health

UIC and U of C partner on Chicago Center for Health and Environment

African American family, house, and Caucasian family

February 7, 2017

Studies examine racial bias in pollution

Physical spaces are targets of racial stereotyping, research finds

Serap Erdal

January 24, 2017

East Meets West: Examining air pollution in Cook County

Which residents are affected most and how does it affect their health?