Update: Non-instruction student wellness day in Fall 2024
Dear students, faculty and staff,
At the beginning of this academic year we announced that, starting in the earliest possible fall term, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving will be a non-instructional day for UIC students, per a resolution of the UIC Senate. This day will be implemented for Fall 2024 as a Student Wellness Day. As a reminder, this resolution was the result of a request by student government.
This past academic year, we worked with colleges to identify approved areas of exception. The Student Wellness Day has been added to the undergraduate and graduate academic calendars in the catalogs and to the administrative calendar, beginning with the 2024-2025 academic year. See the undergraduate calendar for academic year 2024-25 for an example. Approved exceptions are noted in the catalog and academic calendar, and instructors are asked to note them in their course syllabus.
Note that the Wednesday before Thanksgiving remains a workday for all staff, faculty and student employees.
Karen Colley
Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Robert Barish
Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs
For more information, please contact:
Office of the Provost