All Entries by UIC News contributor

7th District Police Station

February 20, 2023

Police report

Criminal activity reported on and around campus

February 20, 2023

Study improv in Dublin this summer

UIC Business’ Professional Development Program launches a new study abroad program

February 20, 2023

LTD Plan open enrollment through March 10 

Open enrollment for the University Supplemental Long Term Disability Plan

February 16, 2023

Veteran health informatics leader brings AI, data experience to curriculum

Sanket Shah shares information on the online health informatics program

February 16, 2023

What students learn in UIC’s Online Bachelor of Science in Health Information Management courses

Learn more about the program’s diverse curriculum

February 16, 2023

UIC lecturer draws from experience to inspire students

Mark Hallenbeck, a lecturer in the UIC College of Engineering, found his passion for computer science  when he impulsively decided to take an online introductory course during his undergraduate studies

February 15, 2023

School of Architecture welcomes second Hartshorne and Plunkard Fellow

Maya Matabwa examines vernacular Malawaian architecture and the relationship between colonization and the built environment

February 14, 2023

Former Flame plays professional volleyball in Puerto Rico

Paola Santiago drafted to Las Pinkin de Corozal

February 14, 2023

Alford named recipient of Diversity Initiative Program

TJ Alford, assistant athletics director-development, honored by National Association of Athletic Development Directors

February 14, 2023

UIC Athletics celebrates Black History Month

UIC Athletics is embarking on a monthlong social media initiative highlighting stories of Black student-athletes, staff and coaches

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